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University of Manchester Ranking 2024

Posted on 19 Juni 2024

University Of Manchester Ranking 2024 - Education Republic

Highlight Ranking The University of Manchester


University of Manchester terkenal secara global karena penelitian mutakhirnya. The University of Manchester  Research Institute (UMRI) memegang peranan penting dalam pencapaian universitas untuk terus memajukan penelitian interdisipliner yang inovatif. Berdasarkan QS World Ranking 2025, kampus ini berada di peringkat #34. 

University of Manchester tergabung dalam Russell Group of Universities yang menawarkan beragam fasilitas dan program studi. Sebagai universitas internasional, the University of Manchester telah menjadi komunitas yang terdiri lebih dari 44,000 student, 12,000 staf dan 500,000 alumni dari 190 negara.



BACA JUGA: Informasi Penerimaan Mahasiswa University of Manchester 2024



Ranking Overall: The University of Manchester
  • #34 QS World University Rankings 2025 (Global)
  • #51 THE World University Rankings 2024 (Global)
  • #24 Guardian University Guide 2024 (Global)
  • #22 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #23 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)

Ranking Overall The University Of Manchester - Education Republic


Ranking by Subject: The University of Manchester
Accounting and Finance:
  • #22 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #8 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #8 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


  • #5 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #14 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #11 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


Biological Sciences:
  • #40 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #20 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #15 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


Business and Management Studies:
  • #39 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #13 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #13 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


Communication and Media Studies:
  • Top 100 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024


Computer Science:
  • #64 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #11 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #13 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


  • #63 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #18 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #17 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


Engineering – Chemical:
  • #14 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #10 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #16 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


Engineering – Civil:
  • #43 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #8 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #22 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


Engineering – Electrical and Electronic:
  • #31 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #7 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #12 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


Engineering – General:
  • #27 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024


Engineering – Mechanical:
  • #24 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #17 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #14 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


Environmental Sciences:
  • #34 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #18 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #21 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


  • #57 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #21 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #28 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


  • Top 50 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #14 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #13 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


  • #55 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #13 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #17 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


  • #17 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #13 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #18 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


  • #49 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #19 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #15 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


  • #37 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024
  • #23 The Complete University Guide 2025 (UK)
  • #28 The Times & The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 (UK)


Sports Studies:
  • Top 100 QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024

Ranking By Subject The University Of Manchester - Education Republic


Quick Facts tentang University of Manchester
  • Durasi Program: 3-4 terms (Foundation), 3-4 tahun (Bachelor), 1-2 tahun (Master)
  • Gelombang Kuliah: Januari, Juni, September
  • Sistem Penilaian: Class activity, examinations, assignments

Quick Facts Tentang University Of Manchester - Education Republic


Persyaratan Masuk
Bachelor Entry:

Student SMA Indonesia dapat melanjutkan studi ke kampus ini dengan menempuh program Foundation / Direct Entry oleh INTO University of Manchester

  • A Level or IB Diploma (for direct entry)
  • Year 12 graduate (for Foundation)
  • IELTS UKVI 5.0 – 6.0.


Master Entry:
  • Completed bachelor with GPA of 3.0
  • IELTS UKVI 6.0 – 7.5 (depends on course)

Persyaratan Masuk 4 - Education Republic


Biaya Kuliah The University of Manchester 2024
  • Foundation Tuition Fee: Approx. GBP 26,995 – 27,750
  • Bachelor Tuition Fee: Approx. GBP 29,000 per tahun
  • Master Tuition Fee: Approx. GBP 28,000 – 36,000 per tahun.

Biaya Kuliah The University Of Manchester 2024 - Education Republic


Cara & Syarat Daftar The University of Manchester 2024
  • Passport student
  • Scan sertifikat dan transkrip nilai SMA
  • IELTS Certificate
  • Photo student
  • CV/Resume siswa
  • Ijazah siswa

Cara Syarat Daftar The University Of Manchester 2024 1 - Education Republic







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